Twelve One Minute Messages from Loren Weisman and FSG

twelve one minute messages, featured image, loren weisman

Twelve One Minute Messages from Loren Weisman and the Fish Stewarding Group. 1 minute videos on messaging, optics and trending topics.twelve one minute messages, loren weisman, messaging and optics strategist

1. Give credit where credit is due.

If you choose to use someone else’s authority, knowledge or expertise to amplify your popularity, likes and views, give credit where credit is due.

In the end, consider sharing other peoples content the way you would want your content shared by other people.

2. Consider digging deeper into the claims.

Consider digging deeper into the claims and those claiming to have the solution.

In the end, consider taking the time to search out the facts instead of quickly settling for the fiction when it comes to the claims that are being shared with you.

3. Fish Stewarding Group Pricing.

Consider this, what if the lack of prices on a website, truly shows an abundance of authority, transparency and honesty?

In the end, our authoritative pricing with a stewarding approach considers every business not as a template but strictly as an individual business.

4. Holding yourself liable for your content.

Consider sharing your message as if you were being held liable for it in a court of law.

In the end, while many businesses may choose to exaggerate, or flat out lie simply because they can, show an accuracy and an authority by holding yourself, your content and your business liable for everything you say.

5. Avoid Engagement Farming

Consider posting content that plants authentic seeds for an enduring harvest instead of posting empty hype that lasts only for a moment.

In the end, sharing your knowledge and expertise authentically to connect can do more for the long run now over using, penalizing click bait tactics and engagement farming to gain a false popularity for a moment.

6. Assessing with objectivity

Consider that assessing truth based on authority not popularity may help to avoid catastrophe.

In the end, since it has become easier than ever to make anything popular and appear to be more than it truly is, the time you take to prove and research that popularity may help you avoid mistakes and missteps while keeping you from being fooled by the fools.

7. Don’t force… Consider.

Consider the perceptions, views and assumptions of your message instead of only sharing in a linear way to force your brand and marketing with only your intention.

In the end, crafting your message to consider an exhausted and assuming audience that may have heard it all before, could allow you to disarm their presuppositions and breakthrough to that audience in a refreshing way.

8. Transparency and honesty with AI.

Consider that With AI being used more and more to create everything from online content to books, courses, services, responses, pictures, videos and bios for many peoples marketing and advertising, lines seem to be blurred on what was created and by who.

In the end, to stand out with transparency and honesty in an AI world, consider that if you can not, will not or are afraid to share exactly how you use AI on your products and content, maybe it is time to dial back the ai prompting that helps to present you as more than you are and focus more on what you can create to prove your authentic self.

9. Are they only treating the symptoms?

Consider this question, Are they only addressing your symptoms or are they working with you to find a cure? And, do they have the knowledge and ability to assist you in the healing with a plan for the long run?

In the end, consider thinking about the long term cure over the quick momentary fix that might just end up creating more work or health problems down the line anyways.

10. I read it in a book argument.

Consider that claiming “I read it in a book” can be a very weak, unsubstantiated and an unstable argument for backing up your point of view.

In the end, consider that anyone, at any level of knowledge can easily publish a book in hours these days. With that in mind, please choose a wiser approach to your references and how you back up your arguments.

11. Give your audience a chance  to choose what they like.

Consider giving your audience a chance to experience the content first before you ask them to like, share and subscribe. Honor your audience with the connection of your content over focusing on going after clicks before they have even experienced it.

In the end, many others may choose the more brash promoting and hype approach, but it might just help you stand out with honor and respect, if you let some one have an experience before you tell them how much they liked something they haven’t experienced yet.

12. Email frequency option for your mailing list.

Consider providing an emailing frequency option when it comes to signing up for your mailing list. This may just help to grow, maintain and sustain your subscribers even more.

In the end, the offering of frequency can help to grow a greater connection to those that may be hesitant to sign up. So honor your audience by giving them a choice of how much they want to see from you.

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Loren Weisman is a messaging and optics strategist for The Fish Stewarding Group (FSG).
Weisman keeps a focus on the communication, connotations, engagement, compliance and stability of each brand, persona or product.
Fish Stewarding Group is stewarding strategic solutions by only building authoritative businesses with authentically sound people. The FSG branches include FSG Messaging and Optics, FSG Development and FSG Living Buildings,
Weisman is also the host of the FSG messaging and optics podcast; Wait What Really OK.
FSG Messaging and Optics Division
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Greenville, South Carolina
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Twelve One Minute Messages from Loren Weisman and FSG
About FSG Messaging and Optics Strategist Loren Weisman 77 Articles
Loren Weisman is a messaging and optics strategist for The Fish Stewarding Group. Fish Stewarding Group is stewarding strategic solutions by only building authoritative businesses with authentically sound people. FSG is bearing the weight of messaging, strategy, finance and development by coming along side. Weisman is also the host of the FSG messaging and optics podcast; Wait What Really OK.