Quotes to Consider from Messaging and Optics Strategist Loren Weisman

quotes to consider, loren weisman

Quotes to Consider from Messaging and Optics Strategist Loren Weisman

“The foundation of transparent messaging is often framed by your words, your story and your actions. Consider making them strong, true, authentic and yours.”

“When your messaging strategy has the foundation that allows the message to be delivered in an array of ways that best represents your vision while allowing each person to have their own authenticity in sharing it, the reach has the chance to expand greatly.”

“Spread your story and messaging out, over time, and over different types of media in short segments that invite people to learn more with out force.”

“I believe in the discovery, validity and security of a brand and its messaging being built on a foundation that is stabilized for enduring growth. Regardless of the field or product, when these key elements are reviewed and addressed, the accountability, authenticity and authority can shine that much brighter.”

“For me, a first step, with any business, venture or visionary is to bring them through an personalized organizational strategy plan in order to create the right foundation for all to be built on or corrected.”

“Perceptions, comparisons, compliance and connotations of the messaging and optics of a brand can matter a great deal. Consider taking the time to choose a sound foundation for the name, the content and the tone for a secure, stable and persevering performance.”

“Consider focusing on your messaging before you focus on your marketing. A skip to marketing when the messaging is not in place, can create more expensive marketing costs, confusion with the public and their perceptions as well as a lack of continuity and clarity.”

“The authenticity in your story, the authority in your delivery and the personalization of your presentation can make you that much more real and able to reach that many more people.”

“There are hundreds of ways to tell a story and thousands of ways to tell different parts of a story. Still, be sure you have your story and the foundation of its messaging solid, situated and clear before bringing it to a public containing a large number of people with short attention spans that tends to read only headlines.”

“Consider building your foundation so strong and secure that everything placed on top of it can be supported and set up to thrive and succeed that much more.”

“In painting a palette with a wide array of information, before painting the picture of your brand… it can allow for the tone, temperature and clarity of your brand, the messaging and the process architecture to all come together in harmony together and at the same time.”

“When messaging is authentic, compliant and aligned, then strategically and ethically mobilized for distribution…
It can cost a lot less to market and has the chance to resonate with a lot more people.”

“Premature promotion and distribution before professional protection and organization can lead to loss of control, ownership and profits. Consider creating the sound foundation before you start building the floors above it.”

“Differentiate your opinions from facts. Honor your audience with messaging that clearly defines when you are sharing truth and when you are sharing an opinion.”

“In humility, subjectivity and in the ability to see a series of elements from a distance; it may help you to focus your messaging in order to create a much stronger of an impact.”

“Instead of claiming to be the answer, consider stating that you may be an answer.”

“Consider posting content that plants authentic seeds for an enduring harvest instead of posting empty hype that lasts only for a moment.”

More Quotes to Consider from Messaging and Optics Strategist Loren Weisman

“Consider that when you state only what you can prove and differentiate your opinions from facts, it may allow you to stand on a stronger foundation over those stating whatever they want with no care for the truth.”

“I think the messaging has to come before the marketing and the discovery of the brand. This can allow the foundation of what it will be built on, to be understood as much as possible by as many people as possible.”

“I believe Messaging isn’t marketing. To me, Messaging comes before marketing.”

“As a messaging and optics strategist I focus on the authenticity, authority, optics, psychology and perceptions of a brand, persona or product.”

“By thinking about gearing the message across the existing customer, the familiar with you but has not converted person and the individual that has no idea who you are… (your three audiences) with the same content, you may be able to build a greater bond, better relationships, and an endurance audience.”

“Methodically messaging in a harmony of honor, humility, authenticity and authority may create more resonation for your story to be heard by that many more connections.”

“Shortcuts on the foundation of your discovery, compliance, brand, website, uniformity, competitive, comparative as well as your core messaging are a dangerous and often become the most costly route to go.”

“Authenticity in the direction, delivery, authorship and performance of a business or brand can create a greater path of awareness, presence and profit.”

“I believe that mostly authentic is impossible. You are authentic or you are not.”

“Brand before liftoff. For the best launch, the farthest reach, and the most results, consider building the brand foundation and fueling it while it is still on the launching pad. In many cases, designing a brand after you take off is like fueling a rocket after its lifted off.”

“If you cannot get your point and your story across without using a PowerPoint, it may be time to revisit your messaging.”

“Creating authentic messaging with your story allows for the strategy, products, and security to come together correctly and create a melody that may be heard over the same old harmonies sung by everyone else when they use hype scripts instead of true life.”

“In painting a palette with a wide array of information, before painting the picture of your brand… it can allow for the tone, temperature and clarity of your brand, messaging and process architecture to all come together in harmony at the same time.”

“If you say the same things as everyone else… share the same links as everyone else… post the same quotes as everyone else… and put up the same pictures as everyone else… Why should anyone think you are any different than everyone else?”

“The authenticity in your story, the authority in your delivery and the personalization of your presentation may help you appear that much more real.”

“Consider exchanging the claims, promises and guarantees for authentic, humble and engaging content.”

Quotes to Consider from Messaging and Optics Strategist Loren Weisman

Loren Weisman is a messaging and optics strategist.
Weisman keeps a focus on the communication, connotations, engagement, compliance and stability of each brand, persona or product.
Weisman is also the host of the Messaging and optics podcast; Wait What Really OK.

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About Brand Communications and Optics Strategist Loren Weisman 61 Articles
Loren Weisman is a Brand Communications & Optics Strategist Illuminating Authoritative Intelligence & Amplifying Authentic Experts. Growing, grafting and branching a brand with a clear and transparent foundation that aligns its messaging, optics, content, communication, perceptions and presence, can offer the greatest chance for the desired response. This is done through strategic blueprinting across the array of branding, development, communication, organization, messaging, marketing and moral strategies in order to build the most solid and sound foundation possible. By focusing on highlighting truth over hype, while organizing and harmonizing the creativity, honesty, transparency, clarity and uniformity, the deliverable stands out with truth and respect. This is not for those trying to appear as experts with no experience or ability. This is only for experts with genuine authority that are looking to stand out in today’s world both online and off.