Messaging Strategist is an archives tag for and a descriptor for FSG Messaging and Optics Strategist Loren Weisman from Fish Stewarding Group.

Messaging strategist
Loren Weisman maintains a focus on the authenticity, authority, optics, psychology and perceptions of a brand, persona or product for The Fish Stewarding Group. FSG is stewarding strategic solutions by educating, developing and transitioning businesses through strategic guidance and process architecture.
Weisman has stayed up to date with the constant changes inside and outside of the entertainment industries over the past three decades as well as keeping up with the pulse and optics of content creation, marketing, promotion, and social media trends, allowing for the most effective, and up to date consideration when applying the individualized and personalized methods, approaches and plans.
Starting his career in music and behind the scenes as a drummer and then music producer, Weisman got to see the ins, outs, ups and downs of music. Shifting to TV production as well as authoring a few books on the music business, including the artists guide to success in the music business, Loren gravitated toward the strategic production elements as much as he did the psychological ones. From speaking and counseling on brand messaging to brand discovery, analyzing the two sides of artistic vision while igniting the investor confidence, as well as brand protection and amplifications approaches for marketing, sales and retention Weisman helps across the array of the story and the messaging experience.
Messaging strategist LW
Messaging Strategist Loren Weisman’s speaking and talks focus on the brand messaging strategies, marketing perceptions, audience optics and authentic engagement methods.
“The messaging has to come before the marketing and the discovery of the brand and the foundation of what it will be built on has to be understood as much as possible. Too many jump into social media marketing too soon. They advertise and push too much time and money at redundant approaches that are not individualized for the person, brand or product.” Says Weisman.
When the brand is built with the considerations of perception, education, protection, process and discovery, a greater authenticity can shine through. By stewarding strategic solutions with authentic methods and applications, businesses, brands and people learn how to build messaging with a voice and a set of stories with a strategy to allow them the most traction for long term conversion.
Messaging Strategist is an Archive tag for the Messaging and Optics Strategist website.
Fish Stewarding Group is bearing the weight of messaging, strategy, finance and development by coming along side. FSG is stewarding strategic solutions by only building authoritative businesses with authentically sound people. FSG Development and FSG Living are presently developing, designing and creating Living Buildings, Living Homes and Living Villages for the discerning and attention to detail buyer.
The divisions of Fish Stewarding Group include:
FSG Development
FSG Living
FSG Living Buildings
FSG Living Panels
FSG Living Homes
FSG Living Village
FSG Africa
FSG Messaging and Optics
Liberating Water Directive
FSG Realty
FSG Living Roads
FSG Publishing