Shop local shaming and small business messaging missteps.

Shop local shaming and small business messaging missteps is the topic and touch point for s8. E6. n129. of the Wait What Really OK brand messaging and optics podcast.A header graphic with the title that reads shop local shaming as well as an image of Loren Weisman, the FSG logo and some social media icons.

Shop local shaming and small business messaging missteps.

If you are telling me how terrible I am for shopping somewhere else and how I need to shop local or shop at your place, where does that create a desire to do so? Using guilt, shaming and passive aggressive behavior and tactics to try to attract customers tends to deliver the opposite results.

When we take a step back and look at the situation as well as the perceptions of others, it can allow for a more engaging messaging in the advertising that can invite and market that many more people to local shopping.

The Full Episode of this podcast can be found here on Castbox as well as on most sites, stations and apps where you may like to listen to podcasts.An image of the top half of the wait what really ok logo with a Christmas tree behind it and the title that reads Shop local shaming.
On the other side of it, focusing only shop local shaming style campaigns and using a yell, tell, sell and insulting vibe is not drawing people in, it is pushing them away.

Moving the methodology and strategy of small business messaging to a place of authenticity, humility and respectful engagement can bring greater results.

Aggressive and fear messaging tends to keep other people’s walls up and ears closed. So many of the campaigns tend to trash the corporate stores and big business, while making an obligation statement about what you need to do, what you have to do and why you have to help, by shopping local.

You can get your point across without being rude. At the same time, being honorable and do not be selfish.

And… Telling me I don’t care about my community because I didn’t buy a product locally can be taken as very offensive, very assuming as well as very judgmental.

A quote in the middle of a circle that is surrounded by a Christmas tree and decorations that reads “Invite by explaining about you and your store. Market by educating about what you have. Message by sharing why it can be an advantage to buy from you… And consider staying in an authentic, sympathetic and relatable tone.”
“Invite by explaining about you and your store. Market by educating about what you have. Message by sharing why it can be an advantage to buy from you… And consider staying in an authentic, sympathetic and relatable tone.”

It might not be true for everyone.

And, even in all of it, there is truth, but it is not going to be true for everyone. It is contradicting where someone having a hard time with their local business is telling others they are supposed to shop with them.

Yet, they give no consideration that those people might not be able to afford the costs required or for that matter, the ease of shopping.

By flipping the switch and considering a different way to explain with small business messaging that honors everyone, the chances of opening up that many more minds can happen.

A distribution image showing a series of podcast site icons as well as a graphic for this weeks podcast and a christmas tree and lights behind it.

Moving from shop local shaming with aggressive and fear messaging to a place of love and engagement can do worlds of good.

“Invite by explaining about you and your store, market by educating about what you have, message by sharing why it can be an advantage to buy from you and stay in an authentic, sympathetic and relatable tone.”

Consider taking a more honorable, understanding and respectful approach to draw in customers over using tactics that tend to insult, shame and push people away.

Shop local shaming and small business messaging missteps…

is the topic and touch point for s8. E6. n129. of the Wait What Really OK brand messaging podcast.
Cover art for a podcast episode that has the Wait What Really OK logo with the title Shop Local Shaming with a christmas tree in the background as well as a patio and a few chairs.
This brand messaging podcast is available here on Podbean as well as on most sites, stations and apps where you may like to listen to podcasts.

Episode Podcast Links:
Apple Podcasts
Amazon Music

Radio Public
Google Podcasts
Opening Theme Song Credit
What Really Ok Theme Song” by RKVC.
Copyright 2016 eMbloh Music (ASCAP)/ Cienzo Music (BMI).
Administered by Ass Backwards Music (ASCAP)/Bass Ackwards Music (BMI)
RKVC Website
Closing Theme Song Credit:
“News and Information Podcast Percussion Outro” by Doug Hinrichs.
Copyright 2016 Dig And Be Dug Music (BMI).
Administered by Bass Ackwards Music (BMI).
Doug Hinrichs Website
Fish Stewarding Group is stewarding strategic solutions by only building authoritative businesses with authentically sound people. The FSG branches include FSG Messaging and Optics, FSG Development, FSG Living Villages, FSG Living Homes, FSG Living Buildings, FSG Living Panels,  FSG Realty, as well as FSG Africa. FSG is bearing the weight of messaging, strategy, finance and development by coming along side.
Weisman is also the host of the FSG messaging and optics podcast; Wait What Really OK.
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Shop local shaming and small business messaging missteps.
A footer graphic in blue with an image of Loren Weisman, the FSG logo, the Wait what really ok logo and social media icons and tex.
Shop local shaming and small business messaging missteps
About FSG Messaging and Optics Strategist Loren Weisman 77 Articles
Loren Weisman is a messaging and optics strategist for The Fish Stewarding Group. Fish Stewarding Group is stewarding strategic solutions by only building authoritative businesses with authentically sound people. FSG is bearing the weight of messaging, strategy, finance and development by coming along side. Weisman is also the host of the FSG messaging and optics podcast; Wait What Really OK.