Online reputation searches. Are they as clean as they claim?

Light Blue fading from darker blue on the bottom to lighter blue on the top of a long square graphic. On the bottom half of the image is half of the FSG logo as a large watermark faded into the blue background. In the upper middle section is Fish stewarding Group logo on the left side and to the right the words in white lettering that reads FSG Messaging and Optics Strategist. Beneath those words in a larger font, it reads Loren Weisman. Centered under the FSG logo and the Loren Weisman text, it reads Fish Stewarding Group, then an asterisk followed by FSG Messaging and Optics, then another asterisk followed by the words FSG Development. Then beneath the sites is a thick rectangular border. Inside the border is the text that reads: Online Reputation Searches. Are they as clean as they claim?

Online reputation searches. Are they as clean as they claim? An FSG Messaging and Optics Strategist Blog From Loren Weisman.

A faded dark blue background with a Fish Stewarding Group logo on the bottom with the words Fish Stewarding Group next to the logo. Beneath it, it reads Messaging, Strategy, Finance and Development. Above in the center, in white it reads "Are they as clean as they claim? Or are they only presenting a very neat and falsely polished front?"
“Are they as clean as they claim? Or are they only presenting a very neat and falsely polished front?”

Online reputation searches

You can go to a website, you can go to a social media, you look at certain people that have done some pretty shaky things in the past, and they’ve spent the money to push many of those things down. 

So maybe when you search their website looks great or their socials look great or they’ve purchased a whole bunch of reviews. These are a couple of the tactics to consider when it comes to ensuring the people you are considering have the authority and authenticity they claim.

But if it’s important to you and you want to dig a little bit deeper, take a couple minutes, consider putting their name, the name of the product, the name of the company, and searching next to it. 



Sued over, 

Violation tracker, 


Copyright infringement, 

Problems or complaints. 

Are they as clean as they claim?
Or are they only presenting a very neat and falsely polished front?”

On the back of a blue gradient color that goes from a dark blue on he bottom to a lighter blue on top. In the middle is the FSG logo in gray. The logo has the letters FSG in the middle with a circle with four pointed arrows facing north, south, east and west with the S connected to that circle. Four rounded lines make the next circle of the circle and the last layer is a thin circle with the text on the Bottom that reads FSG Living Homes and on top, the text reads Fish Stewarding Group.
Put that name, then run that search.

Now, sometimes stuff shows up sometimes there’s that one star review from someone that was just angry, but at least from there you have a little bit more data, a little bit more intelligence to make the intelligent decision that works best for you. These steps and searches that look for the stability and security considerations of some one or a company can help you with your choices. 

Because some of these apparently looking as squeaky, clean as possible, have hidden a lot of their dirt way deep down in the internet. Look for the objective truth in a reputation. Many out there try to rewrite what they do not want you to know or what they do not want to believe about themselves. Kind of tying into the whole Online Motivation and Inspiration with little information approach to hide what is wrong.  

You have some of these crisis management teams where what they’ll end up doing, is they’ll push these things down. 

So when you look up their given name they’re given product, the name of their company, that stuff is buried way, way down and harder to find. 

But if you’re looking directly for those things, 

X violations, 

X company, or person named,

Filing lawsuits, filed lawsuits, pending lawsuits. 

This may give you a little bit more information. 

And at the same time, it may give you a little bit of a sense of a better decision. 

And maybe some of this isn’t important to you. Still, applying that strategic patience in order to find out all that is going on can make a big difference

Again, that’s your choice, but whatever choice you make, whether you want to service or a company to be as clean as their service claims to be, or not…

Consider doing those additional searches, to make sure you have all the intelligence, you can find, all the data you can find before you start spending the money.


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Fish Stewarding Group is stewarding strategic solutions by only building authoritative businesses with authentically sound people. The FSG branches include FSG Messaging and Optics, FSG Development, FSG Living Villages, FSG Living Homes, FSG Living Buildings, FSG Living Panels,  FSG Realty, as well as FSG Africa. FSG is bearing the weight of messaging, strategy, finance and development by coming along side.
Weisman is also the host of the FSG messaging and optics podcast; Wait What Really OK.
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Online reputation searches. Are they as clean as they claim?
About FSG Messaging and Optics Strategist Loren Weisman 74 Articles
Loren Weisman is a messaging and optics strategist for The Fish Stewarding Group. Fish Stewarding Group is stewarding strategic solutions by only building authoritative businesses with authentically sound people. FSG is bearing the weight of messaging, strategy, finance and development by coming along side. Weisman is also the host of the FSG messaging and optics podcast; Wait What Really OK.