Artificial Intelligence Statement Transcription Wait What Really OK Episode. S.09 E.07 n.140
Artificial Intelligence Statement Transcription Wait What Really OK Episode. S.09 E.07 n.140
This is Loren Weisman. And for today’s episode, this is in a sense, our artificial intelligence statement. This goes for me, this goes for Fish Stewarding Group, FSG Development, FSG messaging and optics and all the FSG living branches and everything else that’s tied to us.
And I’m hoping at the same time that this may start a trend and that others will create an artificial intelligence statement as well.
The concept of this is transparency in using AI. Now, there are some aspects of artificial intelligence that I’m very all about. I’m very pro toward it.
The idea of how certain things can function to simplify work, where the authority, the authenticity, the experience, the knowledge, it’s being used and formatted and formulated into a program to make life easier based on the foundation, a sound foundation of the ability of that individual, that person or that product. I like that.
Where I have a problem with AI is with some of these models coming through ChatGPT and some of the chat bots and the way that you pop in a you pop in basically a less than a paragraph, it can be a sentence and all of a sudden content is created for you.
You can pop in information into some of these and a book can be created for you. A video can be created for you, information can be scraped put together, not necessarily referenced.
And all of a sudden, it’s creating content that came from other sources. And I pulled them together and created. And the problem with that creation is it’s a mixture of plagiarism and at the same time not yours. It’s taken off a great deal and it’s a concern.
So, one off to the individuals that are looking at someone, they’re looking at a product, they’re looking at a person, they’re looking at a service they may want to work with, look a little more carefully to the content that they provide you. Is it coming from them or does it just seem like it’s some kind of marketing process that’s run through an AI system?
And for the individual that’s trying to reach out, if you choose to use this, it’s out there and a lot of people are using it. Be honest about it. It might be a good step as we move forward. Right now, be honest and stand your ground. Now, some may not. Some may choose not to. I know many are not currently, but I think that’s where it comes in with this idea of an artificial intelligence statement.

And here’s the AI statement from FSG and me.
We will not we have not and we are not creating any kind of content using artificial intelligence. We research information and we may use aspects of AI research to find different stories, different articles, but also at the same time who wrote them when they were written, where they came from, all of that and from that that content is created from us.
We are the root of our content. We are the root of our message. We are the root of our marketing. We are the root of our narrative and our story. We have not, are not and will not use artificial intelligence or AI to try to create something like that.
Now, again, I’m not against artificial intelligence, but when it is used in a responsible way, when it is used in an accountable way, when it is used in a transparent way, I believe it can be an amazing tool for those that have the authenticity, for those that have the morals, the authority and the experience, they can bring pieces together.
So, it allows them to create and do things possibly a little bit easier. However, it’s also dangerous in the wrong hands. You take that individual that has no experience, but they want to appear as that. And that’s been a major problem to me and to many others on social media, on websites. Just crazy claims. Pushing subjective opinions forced into this objective statements.
No consideration of liability. And it’s been developing. It’s not just popping out with chat GPT or the new thing that’s coming out with Microsoft or the Google thing.
This is not all of a sudden overnight. This has been for a while. I spoke on a book program that uses AI to basically knock out a book for you, and all you have to do is go in and you change a couple of chapter titles. You had a little thing here. You can have a front to cover book that you claim as your own in under an hour. That’s a little scary.
At the same time, one of the things I’m concerned about when it comes to artificial intelligence and some of these free places where you can use it or you adding in ideas and at the same time, can those ideas be used by somebody else? Do you become something that is derived in AI for somebody else’s search? Anyways, the key concept here, and I’m keeping this one short.
The FSG, the Loren Weisman, the FSG. Messaging and Optics, Fish Stewarding, the development group, all of our living branches. Everything we create is from us. It’s from our authenticity, our authority, our knowledge, and the wisdom that we’ve accrued over time.
We may use, you know, for instance, we, we do use I with the podcast, I run this through Auphonic. It’s an AI system that will crunch some of the highs and some of the lows.
However, with that kind of artificial intelligence that does nothing to the message.
So, from my sniffles in the middle of allergy season to sentences that don’t quite end, right? That’s all me. That’s all real. That’s all true. I’m using AI and what I believe is a positive way to do a fast mix on this podcast to get it out and have the levels correct.
However, everything inside of it, it is authentically and organically me and that’s my ask. Consider putting out that AI statement. If you work the same way that we do, state that this is us, these are our ideas, this is how we research, this is how we share, this is how we create. And that might just make the impact with the people that engage you.
Because I think that there are going to be a lot of people out there that would be afraid to make that kind of statement because they want the quickest, latest social thing. They’re not worried about constructing a solid tweet.
They’re worried about getting 25 tweets out in in a given span of time. And that’s unfortunate. And, you know, with ChatGPT4 and many of these other AI things, it makes it that much easier because you can pop in, create. And that’s, that’s been a system that’s been around for a while. Create some good tweets for me.
In the end, I ask you to consider stand in authority, authenticity and transparency when it comes to your content, when it comes to your message, when it comes to your marketing. And if you do consider adding that statement, consider adding that artificial intelligence statement stating this is what you use artificial intelligence for and this is what you don’t use it for, it might just make an impact with some of those that you’re engaging, some of those that you’re connecting with, some of those that you may work with.
Hope you like this one.
This was kind of a one shot, one take.
I’m sure you can tell there’s no I used to edit script or fix this one and I’ll close with saying it’s okay to sniffle.
It’s okay to mess up, it’s okay to be real.
And now, even with more of this artificial intelligence making things just so perfect, isn’t it nice at times to not have to worry about perfection?
This is Loren Weisman. This is. Wait What Really OK. This is our artificial intelligence statement. And if you share the same views when it comes to artificial intelligence, where you’re using some of the systems, but the core content is true, and you perhaps you might want to share one of those online on your website or on your social media to. Have a good one.
Listen to Artificial Intelligence Statement Transcription Wait What Really OK Episode. S.09 E.07 n.140 here: https://www.spreaker.com/user/7235542/artificial-intelligence-statement
Wait What Really OK.
AI can not make you an expert or an authority.
AI can only make you appear to be an expert or an authority.