Brand Messaging Podcast Blueprint Strategy and Directions

Brand Messaging Podcast Blueprint Strategy and Directions for laying out a podcast from preproduction to distribution with sound messaging.A header graphic with a brown background and a white centered title that reads Brand Messaging Podcast Blueprint Strategy and Directions. To the left side is an image of Loren Weisman, to the right of the text is the The Wait What Really OK Logo as well as the Fish Stewarding Group Logo. On the bottom of the image reads the text "Loren Weisman: A brand messaging strategist with ten social media icons below it.

Brand Messaging Podcast Blueprint Strategy

When a strategy is pieced together that creates a personalized template that works for you, your podcast and your creativity, it can allow for your podcast creation to become more streamlined and also have a greater impact and reach with every podcast you put up.

Below is a break down of a template starter for a personalized podcast blueprint strategy. 

In creating a document in word or even excel where you can fill in all the pieces for each episode, it allows for the most useable content.

The duality of creating the strategic content to reinforce the creative content can allow each for podcast episode to have that much more long term endurance, connection and conversion. 

By creating a strategic podcast blueprint, it can allow you to fill in different pieces for different episodes and ideas in a more organic and creative way that will allow for a calmer as well as a more engaging way to build your podcast

Brand Messaging Podcast Blueprint Strategy.

The list breaks out as this:

  1. Primary Phrases
  2. Title
  3. Secondary Phrases
  4. Tagline
  5. Plot Outline
  6. Plot Summary
  7. The Quote
  8. Synopsis
  9. Body and Signatures
  10. 2500 and under
  11. Production
  12. The Image
  13. Cover Graphics
  14. Other Graphics
  15. Lead Tags
  16. Dash Tags
  17. Comma Tags
  18. Hash Tags
  19. Post Leads
  20. Distribution

And the break down of each of these and why…

A long blue graphic with an image of Loren Weisman on the far left side and the FSG logo and text. The title reads primary phrases.That first phrase for the title of the podcast. No more than four words if you can help it. And, something that can be searched on and serve you down the line.

The other primary could be another part of the title. Two phrases that anchor the titling of the episode.

A long blue graphic with an image of Loren Weisman on the far left side and the FSG logo and text that reads Brand Messaging Strategist Loren Weisman and The title reads title.

Over 50 characters with spaces
Under 60 Characters with spaces.
A headline title that is focused on the story and content of the episode.

 A long blue graphic with an image of Loren Weisman on the far left side and the FSG logo and text that reads Brand Messaging Strategist Loren Weisman and The title reads secondary phrases

Secondary phrases can include some two to four word phrases that tie to the episode, from the quote (mentioned below) or from the tagline.

A long blue graphic with an image of Loren Weisman on the far left side and the FSG logo and text. The title reads tagline

Creating that tagline for the episode, an additional source and summary of the show.

A long blue graphic with an image of Loren Weisman on the far left side and the FSG logo and text that reads Brand Messaging Strategist Loren Weisman and The title reads plot outline.

This is the fast summary, under 239 characters. Simple, quick and clear.

A long blue graphic with an image of Loren Weisman on the far left side and the FSG logo and text that reads Brand Messaging Strategist Loren Weisman and The title reads, plot summary.

This one is more than 239, a long paragraph or two short ones. Again, extended summary.

Adding a quote that can be pulled and is listed in the body of the text that you upload the podcast as well as creating a graphic for it, can help to reinforce the authority of the quote being yours. Consider following the quote blueprint guide to add that extra punch to it.

A long blue graphic with an image of Loren Weisman on the far left side and the FSG logo and text that reads Brand Messaging Strategist Loren Weisman and The title reads synopsis.

This is the detailed description of the episode.

Two to three paragraphs.

A long blue graphic with an image of Loren Weisman on the far left side and the FSG logo and text that reads Brand Messaging Strategist Loren Weisman and The title reads body and signature.

The body and the signature, is all the content above, as well as the signature and call to action for the podcast. This can serve as the blog content too.

A long blue graphic with an image of Loren Weisman on the far left side and the FSG logo and text that reads Brand Messaging Strategist Loren Weisman and The title reads 2500 and under.

Certain distributors are looking for no more than 2500 characters total with spaces to upload. It can be wise to write out the entire content and put in a blog, then as you upload the episode, cut down to 2500 and under, using that content and signature for your anchor upload.

A long blue graphic with an image of Loren Weisman on the far left side and the FSG logo and text that reads Brand Messaging Strategist Loren Weisman and The title reads production.Create the show. Sometimes, it can be helpful to do the above first, other times, creating the show and then doing the content second can work. It is up to you and what you are feeling. It is not about a perfect order, but more so the order that works for you.

In production, you do not need the perfect microphone, the perfect sound, the perfect delivery. Sites like Garageband as well as running a show through an AI equalizing site like Auphonic can be more than enough.

Do not buy into the need to have the perfect sound.
Consider keeping the focus on the authenticity of the content.

A long blue graphic with an image of Loren Weisman on the far left side and the FSG logo and text. The title reads the image.

The background picture or picture of an individual that is a guest. Have a root image, more preferably one you took over free use or free license.

This can be used as the anchor image for your cover graphic and additional graphics.

A long blue graphic with an image of Loren Weisman on the far left side and the FSG logo and text. The title reads, cover graphics

Your lead square graphic. 3000 x 3000 pixels preferred, but minimum of 1400 x 1400.
Adding logo, anchor image, title and basic details.

A long blue graphic with an image of Loren Weisman on the far left side and the FSG logo and text that reads Brand Messaging Strategist Loren Weisman and The title reads other graphics.

Poster graphics, Header and footer graphics, quote graphics and other supplemental graphics that tie to the core image and create additional visuals for the episode. This can include show sheets and show cards as well.

Add the tags in order of their importance that you want to list them in. Because IMDB allows 50, go for 50. Tags no longer than four words with a focus on the words in the title of the episode as well as the phrases that tie to the brand and name off the podcast, host and if applicable; guests.

A long blue graphic with an image of Loren Weisman on the far left side and the FSG logo and text that reads Brand Messaging Strategist Loren Weisman and The title reads dash tags.
These are the same lead tags, but with dashes between the words. This can make it easier to cut and paste in sites that requires the tags to have dashes such as Spreaker.

These are the same lead tags, but with commas after each phrase. This can make it easier to cut and paste in sites that requires the tags to comma places like Auphonic.

A long blue graphic with an image of Loren Weisman on the far left side and the FSG logo and text that reads Brand Messaging Strategist Loren Weisman and The title reads hash tags.
The max hash tags that can be used in a given spot is 30.

To add the hash tags in order of importance, so they will be easy to add to posts can save time. On most social pages, add no more than 2 to 3.

A long blue graphic with an image of Loren Weisman on the far left side and the FSG logo and text that reads Brand Messaging Strategist Loren Weisman and The title reads post leads.

Consider creating a few post leads and advanced headlines that are not all the same. You can also use different hash tags and different podcast links from this document to help differentiate the posts.

A long blue graphic with an image of Loren Weisman on the far left side and the FSG logo and text that reads Brand Messaging Strategist Loren Weisman and The title reads distribution.

Links away…

With a show that is anchored on a site like Spreaker, it will automatically distribute to other sites if you have set that up. For easy promotion, after a show has gone up, consider adding the addresses to a distribution section to be able to share a series of different links to the show.

I keep this list for mine. (It makes sharing easier)

Podcast Website Page:
Show Page on IMDb:
Anchor Episode Upload (Spreaker):
Episode Page on IMDb:
Associated Blog: (if you have written one)
Available on Pandora at:
Available on iHeartRadio at:
Available on Apple Podcasts at:
Available on Amazon Music at:
Available on Spotify at:
Available on at:
Available on Radio Public at:
Available on Stitcher at:
Available on Google Podcasts at:
Available on Podbean at:
Available at Castbox at:
Available on Podcast Addict at:
Available on Breaker at:

Brand Messaging Podcast Blueprint Strategy Close:

From an example standpoint, you can look at episodes from the Wait What Really OK Podcast which follow the above formatting… and by wisdom a house is built.

Also, adding podcast and episodes to as many distributors, sites like IMDb and other podcast distribution engines can help each episode compound and grow for more effectiveness as a whole.

Reach out if you have questions on this one, I know it’s a lot, but worth taking a minute to take in and consider.
Episode Podcast Links:
Apple Podcasts
Amazon Music
Google Podcasts
Opening Theme Song Credit
What Really Ok Theme Song” by RKVC.
Copyright 2016 eMbloh Music (ASCAP)/ Cienzo Music (BMI).
Administered by Ass Backwards Music (ASCAP)/Bass Ackwards Music (BMI)
RKVC Website
Closing Theme Song Credit:
“News and Information Podcast Percussion Outro” by Doug Hinrichs.
Copyright 2016 Dig And Be Dug Music (BMI).
Administered by Bass Ackwards Music (BMI).
Doug Hinrichs Website

Fish Stewarding Group is stewarding strategic solutions by only building authoritative businesses with authentically sound people. The FSG branches include FSG Messaging and Optics, FSG Development, FSG Living Villages, FSG Living Homes, FSG Living Buildings, FSG Living Panels,  FSG Realty, as well as FSG Africa. FSG is bearing the weight of messaging, strategy, finance and development by coming along side.
Weisman is also the host of the FSG messaging and optics podcast; Wait What Really OK.
Fish Stewarding Group
FSG Development
FSG Living
6586 E Interstate 20
Abilene, Texas
FSG Phone:
FSG Email:
LW Website
FSG Website
Spotify Page for WWROK
© 2023 Loren Weisman/Fish Stewarding Group. All Rights Reserved ® ℗
About FSG Messaging and Optics Strategist Loren Weisman 77 Articles
Loren Weisman is a messaging and optics strategist for The Fish Stewarding Group. Fish Stewarding Group is stewarding strategic solutions by only building authoritative businesses with authentically sound people. FSG is bearing the weight of messaging, strategy, finance and development by coming along side. Weisman is also the host of the FSG messaging and optics podcast; Wait What Really OK.