Strategic Quote Blueprinting for Messaging and Optics

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Strategic Quote Blueprinting for Messaging and Optics Featured Image Graphic

Strategic Quote Blueprinting for Messaging and Optics. A method to consider for stronger optimization, recognition and authority with quotes from FSG Messaging and Optics Strategist Loren Weisman.

Stewarding Strategic Quote Blueprinting for Messaging and Optics

A brief overview with a series of ideas to strategically and effectively message
quotes across the internet and on your websites.

This walk through considers the quote itself,
then the image associated with the quote
as well as the distribution of it.
lastly, a few additional measures to reinforce the quote.

And Consider staying away from going quote crazy.

One a week MAX can allow for a simmer and build,
and over trying to spam out with too many quotes, all too often.

An image of a buildings frame being built with a blue sky on the top and a Loren Weisman quote in white letters that reads Authentic Instruction is not always comforting or comfortable. A small FSG logo in a faded watermark is on the bottom left side of the image.
Authentic Instruction is not always comforting or comfortable.

The Quote first: Strategic Quotes Blueprinting for the words

  1. Create the quote.
  2. Check to see if that quote has been said by someone else before you.Many people may come up with the same words, even the same quote, but if it is already credited and established, it is not yours from a strategic or professional sense.Alter the words to create a quote that can not be credited to others.Consider running the quote through a plagiarism checker.Sites like Grammarly and QueText can be two good resources to check.As you look online, consider searching on Google, Duck Duck Go, and Yahoo.

    Just cause you thought it up doesn’t mean it wasn’t said before by someone else, much earlier that you did.

    To get a better sense, consider using the incognito or private windows in those searches and look at the image, video and news results too.

    Also, have a look to see if that quote is on GoodReads and BrainyQuote.

    Extra credit of sorts:

    See if the first four or five words that begin the quote, or somewhere inside the quote can be authored/ framed in something that can make it the primary keyword phrase for the quote.

    Again, check to see the results there, that is not plagiarism if you find other exact phrases, but shifting away from a very popular phrase can give you more chance of taking over that search result.

    3. Save the quote for a collection.
    Save the quote somewhere to be able to reference back to and use in bulk at another time. It is a lot easier that trying to dig through different blogs and websites. You can see an example blog here of a collection of quotes Brand Messaging Strategist Quotes Blog.

    More Extra credit:
    By making it over 900 words (The collection), and correctly laid out, it can serve as cornerstone content which is viewed as stronger than just a normal blog.
    Between 900 and 1000 words though, don’t get carried away.

    Some Extra Extra Credit…
    Track on a spreadsheet, where that quote has been used or shared either by itself or in a collection.

A light blue background with white text in the center that reads Profit at the expense of no one. In the lower left corner is an FSG logo and in the lower right corner is the text: An FSG directive. The back of the shot has an FSG watermark and the shore of a beach.
Profit at the expense of no one.

Image: Strategic Quote Blueprinting for graphics

  1. Use an image that is yours. One you took. Please do not use other pictures, even if they are free. Enough people do and it does not allow the quotes to stand out. It is fine to use sites like Canva to get a layout and basic design, but just as you enter your quote, make it show up on top of your picture.
  2. Make the quote legible on the picture. From font to font size to the color of the quote, can it be easily read.
  3. Keep your name present but not arrogant and not oversized. Allow the quote to speak for itself as a statement of authority, over screaming who said it. it is about getting the credit, but put the focus on the credentials of your words.
  4. Keeping a watermark, a couple core fonts or some kind of theme can also help with the uniformity and continuity of your quotes.
  5. And if you have an office or location of the image… add the Geotag to the image too and consider using a site like GeoImgr to help do that.

Extra Credit for sizings. 
Here are the optimal post sizes. With Canva, you can take a quote image you have built and alter it to fit these different sizes.

For each quote and for the continuity, use the same image, the same fonts and the same adjustments on the photo, just shift things for the size if you want to do a series of the different size variations.

You don’t have to do this every time,
but every so often, it is a good idea. 

Facebook: 1200 x 630 PX
Instagram: 1080 x 1080 PX
Twitter: 1024 x 512 PX
Reddit: 1200×628
Google Business: 1200 x900 PX
Pinterest: 1000 x 1500 PX
LinkedIn: 1200 x 627
YouTube: 1280 x720

Also, If you are using WordPress or creating archive tags for your website, consider creating one other graphic that services as the Archives tag graphic for the primary keyword phrase of the quote. 

An image of a beach, the waves and the blue sky with a dark blue circle with a quote in the middle from Loren Weisman that reads: “If the story you are sharing is not yours, it is just another story that more than likely has already been shared may times.”
“If the story you are sharing is not yours, it is just another story that more than likely has already been shared may times.”

Content Planning:
Stewarding Strategic Quote Blueprinting for  placement.

In the preparation of the quote. When there is room, see how you can introduce the quote so the start of your post in not starting in quotations.

Think of three primary hashtags for most sites.
Do not go hashtag crazy.

Write out a simple description of the quote for the alt tag. This is where you describe the image with the quote to someone that is blind. This would also include the quote itself. So a description of the background and then writing along the lines of “and text that reads… (add the quote here).

If it is a little long for sites like Twitter, be sure to add the beginning of it in the content you share.

Again, if you have WordPress or can create an archives tag page for the quote along with the tag, consider keeping it at four words and at max six. Here is an example of an archives tag page I created for one of my quotes Mostly Authentic is Impossible Archives Tag.

As you add the image to your website be sure to fill in the description of the image, the title of the image and the alt tag as mentioned above of the image to give the image itself as much juice as possible.

This archives tag and the location on a blog will give the quote its home anchor of sorts. You can use it again in other places, but on the main page where it is used.

1. Add the photo and have it correctly filled out as above.
2. Add a break quote with the quote in the blog or on the page.
3. Reinforce the quote by adding it to a pull quote for the page if it
is available.
4. Add the primary keyword phrase for that quote to the
keywords or tags for the blog.
5. Create the archives tag page off that blog for that keyword
where you can add the image, the quote and information about it again. Seen in example above.
6. Prepare the hashtags, from the top three you will use on primary sites to the up to 30 you can use on Instagram.

“To me, artificial Intelligence like ChatGPT used by those with wisdom, knowledge and experience can authentically enhance the distribution of intelligence and information in a positive way. Though when used by deceptive, unexperienced and greedy fools… it can be a dangerous tool.” – Loren Weisman

Having a simple text file for each quote that has: 
1. The primary keyword phrase
2. The Quote
3. The Alt Tag Description
4. The core hashtags and the extended hashtags.
5. The link to the archives tag for the quote.
6. The link to the page the quote is on.
7. The link to the GoodReads Post.

(This is usually one of the first place to post the text quote and can be used as the reference point for IMDb as well as a point back for Google Business, Pinterest and other pages)

…Can make posting and distribution a lot easier.

Then you are good to go to distribution. 


Stewarding Strategic Quotes Blueprinting for the Posting.

Core places to post. You might even find in searches other places where you can do free submissions.

Do not get too caught up in trying to get the quotes everywhere, but on some days, if you have a little extra time, have a search and add a new quote in a few new places.

After you anchor the image on a website page and an archives tag as discussed in the last section, consider first…

(This will get you a reference link to the quote on an authority site)

IMDb Quote Image

IMDb Quote on Bio 

Own quotes 


Brainy Quote 

Google business post – pointing to GoodReads

Google business photos 

LinkedIn – Add – Alt tag, full quote in quotes, three hashtags,

Pinterest  – Image, Quote, Hashtags, GoodReads point

Twitter – Alt Text, three hash tags, self tag and post

YouTube (yes, for quotes) Go to the community page –  add quote, image,  three hashtags.

Facebook – Alt description, post, three hashtags, image, quote

Instagram – Alt description, Full description with quote, tagging yourself, location and Up to 30 hashtags


Strategic Quote Blueprinting for Messaging and Optics Additional Reinforcement:

Consider over time, and not all at once…

1. Creating a blog where the primary keyword phrase (that 4 word lead from the quote) is the anchor of the blog and the blog is expanding on the quote.

To stay in certain SEO lines, make the Blog title that primary phrase and the rest of the quote up to sixty character.

Do not do the whole long tail title to try to capture the quote.

2. Do the same thing for a video…

3. Then the same down the line for a podcast.

4. And consider adding that quote to a press release too.

Side note 1: A real press release that is distributed through a channel like Send2Press and not one of those fly by night hype sites claiming they will send to all sorts of media. Choose a service that releases professionally to the press over spamming some media contacts.  

Side note 2: Anytime you put out a professional press release, try to get two quotes in per release. A release that is correctly put out across authority news channels and wires will bring up the authority of those quotes.

Using this detailed format may in the end help to secure and optimize your quotes more than just posting them and not taking the time to reinforce them.

This approach can also optimize these quotes so when your quote is searched… and if it is your quote, that it will show up in a series of different results and on a series of different sites.

Consider searching for some of my quotes to see these elements in action too:
Loren Weisman quotes
Messaging and Optics Quotes
Messaging and Optics Strategist Quotes

And here are some of the sites:
Weisman Quotes on IMDb
LW GoodReads
Loren on Quotes.Net
Weisman Quotes on OwnQuotes
Quotes on Instagram
Quotes on Pinterest

In turn and in close, this can allow for an increase in greater authority for your quotes. 

Fish Stewarding Group is stewarding strategic solutions by only building authoritative businesses with authentically sound people. The FSG branches include FSG Messaging and Optics, FSG Development, FSG Living Villages, FSG Living Homes, FSG Living Buildings, FSG Living Panels,  FSG Realty, as well as FSG Africa. FSG is bearing the weight of messaging, strategy, finance and development by coming along side.
Weisman is also the host of the FSG messaging and optics podcast; Wait What Really OK.
Fish Stewarding Group
FSG Development
FSG Living
6586 E Interstate 20
Abilene, Texas
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LW Website
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Spotify Page for WWROK
© 2023 Loren Weisman/Fish Stewarding Group. All Rights Reserved ® ℗
Strategic Quote Blueprinting for Messaging and Optics
About FSG Messaging and Optics Strategist Loren Weisman 77 Articles
Loren Weisman is a messaging and optics strategist for The Fish Stewarding Group. Fish Stewarding Group is stewarding strategic solutions by only building authoritative businesses with authentically sound people. FSG is bearing the weight of messaging, strategy, finance and development by coming along side. Weisman is also the host of the FSG messaging and optics podcast; Wait What Really OK.