Defining messaging tactics from intention to perception and in-between.

defining messaging tactics featured image
Defining messaging tactics.

Defining messaging tactics from intention to perception and in-between. A Fish Stewarding Group Blog from FSG messaging and optics strategist Loren Weisman.

Many that are in the process of trying to brand, market and promote seem to want to jump through the messaging and foundation phase very quickly… In most cases… too quickly.

A large number of them seem so focused on the titles over the authenticity, they want to attract with hype over taking the time to develop the tagline, the one liner and the anchoring content that honorably and honestly highlights experience, ability and authority.

And in this rush, the many considerations are not taken in to account. In turn, only leaving these individuals and businesses looking like many others that might not have the ability or looking like the array of many that have no experience or expertise whatsoever and only use hype to hide it.

Defining messaging tactics from intention to perception and in-between.

Quote and text over shaded mountain and sky background
An unstable brand and a lack of stable messaging and tactics may end up costing more and in the end allow some of these marketing and promotion companies you hire to make more money off you with a lot less results.

And it is not all of them,

but many that work this way will present a brand and a message that hits only your intention or they may ask the boiler plate style questions that are much more focused on your view of what you have and what you want to have seen. Then moving it in to a content farm of hype over a sound tactical plan that highlights you, your abilities and your business.

 A better approach to consider as you build the foundation of defining messaging tactics
may be to look at the…

as well as the existing optimization and popular elements of that message that you are shooting for.

A quote graphic of a multi colored wool rug in the background and a blue couch at the top of the image In the center is a blue circle with and FSG logo watermark and a quote in white text that is credited to Loren Weisman in a small font on the bottom and in the center reads “Amplified authentic opinions can be driven with passion while still anchored in respect for those that have a different view.”
“Amplified authentic opinions can be driven with passion while still anchored in respect for those that have a different view.”

With these above pieces not dialed in and a brand, message and the content as well as tactics can result in a rushed to marketing problem where. the costs can increase in only pushing a message of hype over substance.

The trick of hand (or sleight of hand… or problem) is sometimes is that you are given a bio that makes…

you happy from the information you provided, but was presented with a great deal left out of the process.

At the same time, this information can lack the humility, the discovery and the intel of a series of different touch points may leave you with words you like, but possibly words that are not getting across and not being heard by your potential audience.

If the whole story seems to be drenched in online motivation and inspiration with nothing else of substance to it, it may be time to look elsewhere.

And, there are not a lot of social media marketing pros out there that are going to argue with your intention because many want your work and your money.

Many will move to grow larger marketing campaigns as they focus you on to the
and the numbers that often times do not count and may not covert.

By defining your messaging tactics with the authenticity and authority of the story you tell on the front side of the brand, to the array of content that you can apply to connect, educate and market yourself with over the long run, it can allow for you to grow that  messaging blueprint with a solid foundation that can compound for you as it reinforces your authenticity, authority and presence online and off.

A quote graphic of a ceiling with wood beams. In upper center is a blue circle with and FSG logo watermark and a quote in white text that is credited to Loren Weisman in a small font on the bottom and in the center reads, “The foundation of your messaging is framed by your words, your story and your actions. Consider making them strong, true, authentic and yours.”
“The foundation of your messaging is framed by your words, your story and your actions. Consider making them strong, true, authentic and yours.”

This is why it is much more than someone writing a bio or a LinkedIn profile for you.

It is not just filling out a simple questionnaire where you provided all the answers to work from.

It is why defining your brand messaging blueprint in the most effective way may start with a discovery and audit that looks at the array of all the initial information that come from you.

Then those words, phrases, concepts and ideas are researched against your intentions, other peoples perceptions and a range of touch points to find the right foundation for you and creating content authentically.

In the root of understanding your intention while respecting the perceptions that may be out there, you may be able to hone in the right messaging blueprint for you and your business that helps you share yourself, your product or service with a melody that is heard over the harmony and unison of so many others saying the exact same thing. 

This is one of the first steps we feel should be taken and an excerpt from the list of what we like to look at in discovery and the auditing from each brand…

Then moving to how it is tested, searched, checked and run across a series of online reputation searches and touch points that allow the intelligence, strategy and tactics to form the right content and right messaging direction for the specific business.

Defining messaging tactics text on beach that reads Keynote Speaker Quotes from Loren Weisman including If youre saying the same thing as everyone else, then why would and why should anyone think you are different from everyone else?"
“If you are saying the same thing as everyone else, then why would and why should anyone think you are different from everyone else.”

In defining messaging tactics, these are some tactics to consider looking in to for a discovery…

Consider looking at:

Why they chose the direction or path they are currently.

Location and physical to online desired reach.

Why they feel it is time to change that direction or path.

Offerings, Services and Statements of Work clearly defined.

Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of current content and names.

Authority and authenticity elements.

Intention vs perception messaging and optics.
On the back of a blue gradient color that goes from a dark blue on he bottom to a lighter blue on top. In the middle is the FSG logo in gray. The logo has the letters FSG in the middle with a circle with four pointed arrows facing north, south, east and west with the S connected to that circle. Four rounded lines make the next circle of the circle and the last layer is a thin circle with the text on the Bottom that reads FSG Development and on top, the text reads Fish Stewarding Group.

Subjective vs objective messaging and optics.

Ego to humility messaging and optics.

Hearsay to history to hype messaging and optics.

Other comparative and competitive businesses and business models.

Fear to love communication styles.

Uniformity and cacophony elements.

Complacent pieces or disregarding elements.

Initial direct and indirect influences to the business.

Direct and indirect comparisons to the business.

Business boundaries and limits.

Openess to opportunity, change and new directions.

Mission, values, voice, story, wants, needs, and desires.

Negative connotations, crisis management issues, reputation problems.

Descriptors including personal, business, relating and non relating.

Best type of client and customer attributes.

Worst type of client and customer attributes.

and the exit strategy, partnerships, ownership or investment concepts.

With all these ingredients and colors on the palette, it can make it more streamlined to create the right blueprint, with the personalized information to assist in defining the brand, the messaging, the tactics and the story to be as effective and authentic as possible.

And if you find yourself unable to define or find the above, consider asking yourself if you are ready to present yourself as a service or as a product that is ready to bring to the public.

An image of two straw bowls in the background with a quote in the center in a blue circle that reads: "Is your brand messaging telling a story or is it telling your story?" Defining messaging tactics
“Is your brand messaging telling a story or is it telling your story.”
Loren Weisman is a messaging and optics strategist for The Fish Stewarding Group (FSG). Weisman keeps a focus on the communication, connotations, engagement, compliance and stability of each brand, persona or product.
Fish Stewarding Group is stewarding strategic solutions by only building authoritative businesses with authentically sound people. The FSG branches include FSG Messaging and Optics, FSG Development, FSG Living Villages, FSG Living Homes, FSG Living Buildings, FSG Living Panels,  FSG Realty, as well as FSG Africa. FSG is bearing the weight of messaging, strategy, finance and development by coming along side.
Weisman is also the host of the FSG messaging and optics podcast; Wait What Really OK.
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Defining messaging tactics from intention to perception and in-between.  
About FSG Messaging and Optics Strategist Loren Weisman 77 Articles
Loren Weisman is a messaging and optics strategist for The Fish Stewarding Group. Fish Stewarding Group is stewarding strategic solutions by only building authoritative businesses with authentically sound people. FSG is bearing the weight of messaging, strategy, finance and development by coming along side. Weisman is also the host of the FSG messaging and optics podcast; Wait What Really OK.