Telling your story or sharing someone else’s messaging and story? Is it true for you? Or are you putting out the content, brand messaging and story that you think others want to hear? An FSG Messaging and Optics blog from Loren Weisman.
Sharing another’s story and trying to make it yours is anything but authentic.
Are you telling your story and are you sure?
In a time where many seem to shift the story to make it fit for whoever is in front of them. It is backfiring on the foundation and the authenticity of a brand or the person representing it.
You can not be all things to everyone. And, in this time where too many try to be, it turns off and turns away potential connections, conversions and customers.
Is your brand messaging telling a story or is it telling your story?

People are getting smarter online and reading through the false and the fake more than ever.
This is why it is not the time to be skimping on the brand messaging. This is also why it is the time to layout a clear foundation of your brand discovery to brand development that showcases the true you and the true story.
Someone else’s brand messaging and story will not resonate with authority.
Even if you can spin the ads, the bio, the tag lines and what ever else, your story will not be your story if it isn’t your true story. With all the fake out there, it is beginning to make people both recognize it and stay away from it. At the same time, those that have been taken or have felt foolish for believing are looking that much harder for the cracks in the story or the truth.
Mark Twain is said to have said but not confirmed it was him.. that “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.”
Adding to that, if your story, all of your personal branding communication and brand messaging strategy is rooted in the truth of you, your story and honesty, then your message will penetrate that much better.
Stay true to yourself, to your story and your beliefs.
Hone in the authenticity to achieve the view of authority in your story. it will help to make you stand out in a way you can be proud of. At the same time, help others to engage you and feel honesty from you, right from the start.

Telling your story in segments and pieces can draw more interest and allow people to connect the pieces themselves.
Fish Stewarding Group is stewarding strategic solutions by only building authoritative businesses with authentically sound people. The FSG branches include FSG Messaging and Optics, FSG Development, FSG Living Villages, FSG Living Homes, FSG Living Buildings, FSG Living Panels, FSG Realty, as well as FSG Africa. FSG is bearing the weight of messaging, strategy, finance and development by coming along side.
Weisman is also the host of the FSG messaging and optics podcast; Wait What Really OK.
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Telling your story or sharing someone elses brand messaging and story?
Telling your story or sharing someone elses brand messaging and story?